Our Metortune App makes customizing racquets easy

Autosave your measurements and calculate lead positions automatically

Metortune App Key Features

  • Autosave Measurements History
  • Autocalulation of lead weights / positions
  • Multiclient / Multiracquets Interface
  • Racquet History (Measurements,Stringjobs)
  • Unique client and racquet ID

Metorlab Autotune

Tuning racquets has never been so fast and easy. Our sophisticated autotune feature calculates/visualises all lead postitions/weights for up to 10 racquets in realtime for you.
Feel free to try our limited scope demo version. Our full version provides more params eg. head shape, head size, length, values weighting and free definition of lead positions.

Example racquet desired specs:

Sw: 330 kg*cm2
Tw 14 kg*cm2
Balance: 32.5 cm
Weight: 330 gramm

racquet measured specs:

SW kg*cm2
TW kg*cm2
Balance cm
Weight gramm
Demo Lead Locations:

12 o'clock (68cm)
2/10 o'clock (around 60cm)
4/7 o'clock (around 40cm)
Bridge (33cm)
Grip top (20cm)
Buttcap (2cm)


Tuning params of the full version calculator:

Metortune Swingweight Tuning Softwere Input

METORLAB AutoEqualise

Need several racquets equalised? No Problem. Measure the racquets and our software will calculate the minimum specs for all your racquets. See a real example of 4 equalised racquets below.


  • Create clients in the metortune app
  • Add racquets to your client
  • Choose racquet and add measurements or stingjobs
  • Unique Client Ids and racquet Ids make searching easy
  • Racquet / Stringjob cloning to save time
  • Send your client an auto generated link via email
  • Clients can view their racquets and stringjob history

Auto Save

  • Choose client and racquet
  • Connect metortune device to your PC or smartphone
  • Measure the specs with the connected device
  • All measurements are saved in the racquet history

Stringing DB

  • Track your stringjobs for a client
  • Repeat stringjob function to save time
  • Client can receive a link to his stringjob history
  • Client can give feedback on a specific stringjob

Metortune Multi Tune demonstration video

In this video we show you a complete multi racquet tuning process.
With the metortune package you can perfectly tune 3 racquets in under 10 minutes.
